Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lima, OH 45807
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lima OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allentown United Methodist Churc | 419-339-2558 | 4900 Allentown Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Allentown United Methodist Parso | 419-339-8111 | 110 Gregory Ln | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Bible Missionary Church | 419-331-0100 | 1450 N Eastown Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Botkins United Methodist | 937-693-2120 | 111 E State Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Cable Road Alliance Church | 419-331-5500 | 2264 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Cairo United Methodist Church | 419-641-3401 | 204 W Main St | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Cornerstone Baptist | 419-339-3339 | 2701 Dutch Hollow Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Faith Baptist Church | 419-339-7501 | 4750 East Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Immanuel United Methodist Churc | 419-331-2366 | 699 Sunnydale St | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Lima Korean Alliance Church | 419-991-3992 | 3494 Diller Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
Marion Baptist Church | 419-339-6319 | 2998 N Defiance Trl | Lima | OH | 45807 |
New Hope Christian Center | 419-339-5673 | 2240 Baty Rd | Lima | OH | 45807 |
South Side Christian Church | 419-225-1606 | 3300 S Side Dr | Lima | OH | 45807 |
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