Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lima, OH 45804
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lima OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich Restau | 419-222-1383 | 1945 Bellefontaine Rd | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 419-223-3237 | 1810 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Burger King | 419-229-2377 | 1860 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Captain D's Seafood | 419-223-8899 | 2020 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Corner Cafe | 419-222-3776 | 1048 E Elm St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Damon's Restaurant | 419-331-7427 | 1507 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Ganuche's | 419-222-7245 | 940 Bellefontaine Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Kewpee Hamburgers | 419-229-1385 | 1350 Bellefontaine Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Lacharreada | 419-224-3831 | 3355 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 419-222-4592 | 1920 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 419-222-7724 | 1936 Roschman Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Player's Sports and Spirits | 419-222-5337 | 2310 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Ponderosa Steak House | 419-223-9516 | 1830 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Ralphie's Family Sports Eatery | 419-227-9730 | 1950 Bellefontaine Rd | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 419-229-9073 | 2150 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Ryan's Family Steakhouse | 419-228-7926 | 936 Greely Chapel Rd | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Skyline Chili | 419-991-1990 | 1990 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Subway | 419-227-0097 | 2318 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Taco Bell | 419-229-0746 | 2090 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Texas Roadhouse | 419-228-7427 | 1940 Roschman Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Thai Foods Carryout | 419-222-2772 | 624 S Main St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Thai Garden | 419-222-8886 | 215 S Pine St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 419-227-0330 | 2050 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
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