Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lima, OH 45805
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lima OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 419-331-8502 | 3296 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich Restau | 419-331-4906 | 2393 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Bandido's Restaurante Mexicano | 419-331-0855 | 2613 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Big Apple Buffet | 419-227-1001 | 2809 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 419-228-2004 | 1530 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Burger King | 419-331-7505 | 2635 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Burgundy's Italian Grille | 419-224-5080 | 1365 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Captain D's Seafood | 419-331-8888 | 2575 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Country Square Restaurant | 419-228-4300 | 2387 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Fazoli's | 419-222-4076 | 2150 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Happy Daz | 419-222-0014 | 802 S Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
House of Hunan | 419-229-2919 | 320 S Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Ike's Great American Restaurant Inc | 419-225-5915 | 2228 Shawnee Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
International House of Pancakes | 419-228-0607 | 3289 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Kewpee Hamburgers | 419-227-9791 | 2111 Allentown Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Lacharreada II | 419-221-1678 | 1448 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Mark Pi's Express | 419-227-3233 | 711 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 419-331-3903 | 2619 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 419-229-1196 | 941 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Ponderosa Steak House | 419-222-8862 | 708 N Cable Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Ruby Tuesday | 419-331-7829 | 2404 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Subway | 419-331-2144 | 2701 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Taco Bell | 419-228-1387 | 2050 Allentown Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Taco Bell | 419-331-0883 | 3201 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Taco Bell | 419-224-4575 | 2290 Shawnee Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
The Packard Grille | 419-225-7225 | 2315 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 419-331-0591 | 2339 Elida Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
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