Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Ashtabula, OH 44004
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Ashtabula OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2606 | 1113 Bunker Hill Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2584 | 5321 Chestnut Ave | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2618 | 1326 Columbus Ave | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2597 | 7911 Depot Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2600 | 5921 Gerald Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2553 | 221 Lake Ave | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2573 | 917 Lake Ave | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2613 | 1002 Plymouth Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2565 | 6309 Sanborn Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2610 | 4200 State Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2588 | 3703 Station Ave | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2569 | 2630 W 13th St | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2502 | 401 W 44th St | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Ashtabula Area City Schools | 440-993-2577 | 1231 W 47th St | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Buckeye Local Schools | 440-997-5301 | 2428 Blake Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Buckeye Local Schools | 440-992-2170 | 3018 Blake Rd | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Buckeye Local Schools | 440-998-2017 | 3436 Edgewood Dr | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Kingsville Elementary School | 440-997-7321 | 3456 Liberty St | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Saints John & Paul Elementary Scho | 440-997-5821 | 2150 Columbus Ave | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
Saints John & Paul High School | 440-997-5531 | 541 W 34th St | Ashtabula | OH | 44004 |
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