Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oxford, OH 45056
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oxford OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel African Meth Episcopal Churc | 513-523-8560 | 14 S Beech St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Campus Ministry Lights on Campus | 513-523-4848 | 16 S Campus Ave | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Darrtown Bapt Church | 513-523-4778 | 4280 Walnut St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Darrtown United Meth Church | 513-523-3319 | 4309 Walnut St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Faith Baptist Church | 513-523-4669 | 525 N Campus Ave | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
First Bapt Church of Oxford | 513-523-8767 | 14 E Vine St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
First Christian Church | 513-523-8006 | 6527 Todd Rd | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Hillel Foundatn | 513-523-5190 | 11 E Walnut St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church | 513-523-7559 | 25 E Walnut St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Ocpj Peace Cntr | 513-523-6555 | 19 E Walnut St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Oxford Bapt Church | 513-523-1404 | 5299 College Corner Pike | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Oxford Bible Fellowship | 513-523-5300 | 800 S Maple Ave | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Oxford Church of God | 513-523-6136 | 5450 College Corner Rd | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Oxford Presby Church USA | 513-523-6364 | 101 N Main St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
St Matthew Luth Church | 513-523-8384 | 4411 Hamilton Richmond Rd | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
United Meth Church the Oxford | 513-523-5115 | 14 N Poplar St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
University Church of Christ | 513-523-1601 | 3735 Oxford Millville Rd | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Victory Christian Church | 513-523-5985 | 201 S Beech St | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
Westgate Church of God | 513-524-1901 | 6017 Gaston Ln | Oxford | OH | 45056 |
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