Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Springfield, OH 45503
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Springfield OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berea Bible Church | 937-399-9808 | 3850 Derr Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Blessed Hope Baptist Church | 937-399-2885 | 315 S Kensington Pl | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Central Christian Church | 937-390-2424 | 1504 Villa Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Columbus Avenue United Methodist Churc | 937-322-6682 | 2965 Columbus Ave | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 937-399-4024 | 2643 N Limestone St | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Covenant Nursery School | 937-325-2427 | 201 N Limestone St | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Eastside Freewill Bapt Church | 937-399-6589 | 2735 Hilltop Ave | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Faith in Christ Lutheran Church | 937-399-4134 | 1603 Moorefield Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
First Church of Christ in Christian UN | 937-323-0105 | 2101 Woodside Ave | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 937-399-3600 | 901 E Home Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Grace Bapt Church | 937-325-0788 | 401 N Belmont Ave | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Hillside Av Church of God | 937-325-5553 | 2021 Hillside Ave | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Home Rd Church of Christ in Chris | 937-399-2230 | 2560 E Home Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Lagonda United Methodist Churc | 937-399-5479 | 2030 Mitchell Blvd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Northminster Presbyterian Ch | 937-399-0838 | 400 Villa Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Northridge United Methodist Churc | 937-399-1909 | 4610 Derr Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Northside Baptist Church | 937-399-0300 | 2425 Derr Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Northside Christian Church | 937-399-3927 | 2808 Derr Rd | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Story Hypes United Methodist Churc | 937-325-2975 | 2000 E Main St | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
Vineyard Church of Northridge | 937-399-9941 | 4650 Ridgewood Rd E | Springfield | OH | 45503 |
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