Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Springfield, OH 45505
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Springfield OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beacon St Church of Christ in Chris | 937-323-0701 | 1617 Beacon St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Carter Karlan E | 937-323-1741 | 325 E John St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Christ Episcopal Church | 937-323-8651 | 409 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Christian Science Society | 937-323-4245 | 1616 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Church of Christ E High | 937-325-9936 | 2863 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Fifth Lutheran Church E L Ca | 937-322-6338 | 1331 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
First Church of the Open Bible | 937-325-9918 | 644 Selma Rd | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
First Free Will Bapt Church | 937-325-8429 | 1028 Lafayette Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
First Step Nursery School | 937-325-5586 | 2000 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Freedom Road Community Church | 937-322-5555 | 1100 Sunset Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Grace Missionary Baptist Church | 937-325-5900 | 427 S Hubert Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
High Street United Methodist Churc | 937-322-2527 | 230 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Islamic Assn of Miami Valley | 937-322-3266 | 1800 S Burnett Rd | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Maplewood Church of the Nazarene | 937-322-3503 | 110 Lawnview Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Maranatha Baptist Church Garbc | 937-325-1890 | 1704 Sunset Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Mt Lebanon Baptist Church | 937-322-3887 | 1730 Clay St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church | 937-322-4557 | 1870 Clay St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Oakland Presbyterian Church | 937-323-5474 | 2327 E High St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Philadelphia Ministries | 937-323-4897 | 2500 Sunset Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Springfield Calvary Baptist Church | 937-323-5216 | 3551 S Limestone St | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Springfield Freewill Bapt Church | 937-322-2217 | 1825 Sunset Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Springfield Missionary Bapt Church | 937-323-7700 | 2650 Hilldale Rd | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
St Mark United Methodist Churc | 937-324-1863 | 2043 Memorial Dr | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
The Westcott House | 937-327-9060 | 85 S Greenmount Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Trinity A M E Church | 937-325-1372 | 554 Selma Rd | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 937-325-5651 | 1612 S Belmont Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Unity Church of God | 937-322-4152 | 283 Buxton Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
Vineyard Churches Springfield | 937-342-1202 | 1115 Sunset Ave | Springfield | OH | 45505 |
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