Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Springfield, OH 45506
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Springfield OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beatty Freewill Bapt Church | 937-323-7308 | 3107 S Yellow Springs St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Changing Lives Now | 937-323-6396 | 417 S Fountain Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Church of Christ | 937-323-1741 | 811 Montgomery Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Church of God | 937-323-1012 | 1601 W Possum Rd | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Church of Jesus Family Worship Center | 937-325-7729 | 623 S Center St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Covenant Outreach Center | 937-323-7709 | 529 W State St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Emery Chapel United Methodist Churc | 937-323-5859 | 3500 S Yellow Springs St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Faith Baptist Church | 937-323-0017 | 1237 W Perrin Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
First Bapt Church of Springfield | 937-325-5537 | 638 S Fountain Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
First Baptist Church of Lower Valley Pi | 937-322-3765 | 3865 Lower Valley Pike | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
First Christian Church | 937-322-4978 | 311 W High St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Greater First Baptist Church | 937-324-0322 | 1001 W Perrin Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Greater Grace Temple | 937-328-3308 | 380 W Leffel Ln | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
High Light Baptist Church | 937-322-1777 | 909 S Western Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 937-325-1578 | 1710 Damascus Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
House of Prayer | 937-324-8332 | 1403 S Yellow Springs St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Institute of Divine Metaphysical Re | 937-323-7000 | 308 Montgomery Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 937-323-1041 | 1171 S Yellow Springs St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
New Breed Fellowship Church | 937-322-7555 | 1933 S Yellow Springs St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
New North Street A M E Church | 937-325-3222 | 901 S Center St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Phillips Chapel C M E Church | 937-323-3876 | 230 Fair St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Second Missionary Baptist Church | 937-323-7038 | 615 S Wittenberg Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Southgate Baptist Church | 937-325-0619 | 2111 S Center Blvd | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 937-323-3504 | 34 W Pleasant St | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Trydestone Bapt Church | 937-324-1123 | 705 Montgomery Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Victory Baptist Church | 937-322-7231 | 2691 W Possum Rd | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church | 937-325-4870 | 1010 Dibert Ave | Springfield | OH | 45506 |
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