Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cleveland, OH 44106
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cleveland OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 216-421-1516 | 8869 Cedar Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Antioch Chapel Baptist Church | 216-791-6263 | 11307 Superior Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Balm in Gilead Missionary Bapt | 216-231-7269 | 10820 Frank Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Beth-El Ame Zion Church | 216-421-1953 | 1428 E 110th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Burning Bush Evangelistic Mi | 216-721-2673 | 1323 E 110th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Calvary Hill Baptist Church | 216-791-1769 | 2171 E 103rd St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Cedar Hill Baptist Church | 216-371-3870 | 12601 Cedar Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Christ Centered Missionary Bapt | 216-721-4345 | 2198 E 105th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Christian Fellowship Mission | 216-721-3437 | 9712 Woodward Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 216-795-1081 | 10917 Magnolia Dr | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Church of the Covenant | 216-421-0482 | 11205 Euclid Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Community Missionary Baptist Church | 216-721-4115 | 9903 Quincy Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
East Mt Zion Baptist Church | 216-231-0408 | 9990 Euclid Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Epworth Euclid United Methodist Churc | 216-421-1200 | 1919 E 107th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Euclid Ave Congregational | 216-791-5200 | 9606 Euclid Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Glenville Church of Christ Holiness | 216-721-9315 | 9009 Wade Park Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Greater Christian Unity Baptist Church | 216-231-7246 | 1357 E 105th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Light of Liberty Church | 216-229-7770 | 9216 Superior Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Lily Bapt Church | 216-795-0669 | 10714 Cedar Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Little Star Missionary Baptist Church | 216-421-9677 | 11610 Superior Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Mt Hebron Baptist Church | 216-229-6547 | 2227 E 105th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Mt Zion Congregational | 216-791-5760 | 10723 Magnolia Dr | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church | 216-721-3585 | 8712 Quincy Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Second Bethlehem Baptist Church | 216-229-3752 | 2204 Petrarca Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
St John's Baptist Church | 216-421-1034 | 2300 E 100th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
St Matthew United Methodist Churc | 216-231-7622 | 8605 Wade Park Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Star of Bethel Missionary Bapt | 216-229-8917 | 1567 Crawford Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Sweet Pilgrim Baptist Church | 216-791-5258 | 11509 Superior Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Temple of Deliverance Baptist Church | 216-231-7249 | 11301 Superior Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
Union Grove Baptist Church | 216-231-3985 | 8932 Quincy Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
United House of Prayer for All People | 216-229-6971 | 8700 Cedar Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
United Peace Baptist Church | 216-231-4836 | 8606 Hough Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
United Pentecostal Churches of Chr | 216-721-3473 | 10515 Chester Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
University Church of Christ | 216-421-0233 | 1885 E 89th St | Cleveland | OH | 44106 |
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