Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cleveland, OH 44110
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cleveland OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Church Upon This Rock | 216-451-1065 | 13824 Saint Clair Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Beulah Baptist Church | 216-451-5488 | 14912 Saranac Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Beulah Missionary Baptist Church | 216-451-5477 | 14918 Cardinal Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Burning Bush Bapt Church | 216-249-4285 | 863 E 150th St | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 216-481-2322 | 410 E 156th St | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Christian Fellowship Center | 216-531-0017 | 14713 Lake Shore Blvd | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Freedom Christian Assembly | 216-451-4222 | 765 E 154th St | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Greater Bethel Ame | 216-541-2628 | 14735 Thames Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Greater Faith Bapt Church | 216-541-5505 | 13816 Saint Clair Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Greater New Calvary Bapt Church | 216-761-0486 | 822 E 150th St | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Immanuel Presby Church | 216-481-1028 | 326 E 156th St | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
Shiloh Church of Christ | 216-486-3799 | 14911 Westropp Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
United Faith Baptist Church | 216-531-3729 | 390 E 156th St | Cleveland | OH | 44110 |
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