Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cleveland, OH 44124
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cleveland OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 440-460-1711 | 32895 Cedar Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Church of the Western Reserve | 440-442-2220 | 30500 Fairmount Blvd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
First Assembly of God | 216-291-4546 | 1370 Richmond Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Garfield Memorial United Methodis | 216-831-1566 | 3650 Lander Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Grace Tabernacle Baptist Church | 216-691-1580 | 5020 Mayfield Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Hillcrest Bapt Church Nabc | 440-442-6230 | 5631 Ridgebury Blvd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian Ch | 440-442-2331 | 5312 Mayfield Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
New Hope Ministries Free Methodist | 440-442-6386 | 1441 Lander Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Our Savior Lutheran Church Lcms | 440-442-4455 | 2154 Som Center Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
Sisters of Notre Dame | 216-291-0408 | 4982 Clubside Rd Rear | Cleveland | OH | 44124 |
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