Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cleveland, OH 44128
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cleveland OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church | 216-921-3399 | 15309 Harvard Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Affinity Bapt Church | 216-283-4365 | 4411 E 175th St | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Apostolic Church of God in Christ | 216-991-4104 | 4582 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Assembly Baptist Church | 216-921-0096 | 4015 E 141st St | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Bethlehem Bapt Church | 216-292-4685 | 27250 Emery Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Body of Christ Assembly | 216-475-6327 | 20900 Miles Pkwy | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Canaan Missionary Baptist Church | 216-587-1280 | 4688 E 162nd St | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Christ Centered Community Churc | 216-752-4070 | 3909 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Elba Baptist Church | 216-663-2150 | 15008 Naples Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
First Missionary Bapt Church | 216-283-1361 | 4312 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 216-991-1192 | 3840 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Lee-Seville Bapt Church | 216-587-0971 | 4831 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Leviticus Bible Miss Bapt Church | 216-662-5424 | 15010 Sunview Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Maranatha Bible College & Institute | 216-587-4116 | 4930 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
New Home Missionary Baptist Church | 216-581-2320 | 15225 Sunview Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Philemon Missionary Baptist Church | 216-752-0204 | 14001 Miles Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Pilgrim Community Church of God | 216-662-5942 | 15124 Ohio Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Stewart George O Rev | 216-752-2743 | 4234 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Unity Faith Baptist Church | 216-751-3736 | 14623 Harvard Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Victorious Church of Christ | 216-295-1223 | 16410 Cloverside Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Victorious Church of Christ The | 216-295-0119 | 4084 Lee Rd | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ | 216-921-8908 | 4075 E 141st St | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ | 216-921-8912 | 4070 E 142nd St | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
Zion Pentecostal Church of Christ | 216-921-8917 | 14102 Harvard Ave | Cleveland | OH | 44128 |
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