Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lakewood, OH 44107
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lakewood OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Community Schl | 216-221-4324 | 16305 Hilliard Rd | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 216-226-6500 | 16511 Hilliard Rd | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Faith Presby Church | 216-228-2210 | 12601 Detroit Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
First United Church of Christ Lakewood | 216-221-2463 | 2150 Warren Rd | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Lcms | 216-521-0434 | 14560 Madison Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Grace Lutheran Church Mission Center | 216-221-7286 | 13030 Madison Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Grace Lutheran Church Worship Center | 216-221-6265 | 13303 Madison Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Grace Presbyterian Church | 216-228-6060 | 1659 Rosewood Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Lakewood Bapt Church Abc | 216-221-4005 | 14321 Detroit Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Lakewood Presby Church Nursery Schl | 216-226-0514 | 14502 Detroit Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Lakewood United Methodist Churc | 216-226-8644 | 15700 Detroit Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Pilgrim Lutheran Church | 216-521-8842 | 14224 Detroit Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of Charity of St Augustine | 216-228-7451 | 14812 Lake Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of Charity of St Augustine | 216-521-8105 | 1289 Manor Park Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of St Joseph Csj | 216-529-2802 | 1247 Hathaway Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of St Joseph Csj | 216-226-2067 | 14310 Madison Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of St Joseph Csj | 216-226-6851 | 1439 Marlowe Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of St Joseph Csj | 216-521-4631 | 1477 Saint Charles Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Sisters of the Humility of Mary | 216-226-8552 | 12540 Edgewater Dr | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Stilve Didzis Rev | 216-228-2763 | 1381 Andrews Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Lakewood Elca | 216-226-8087 | 16400 Detroit Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
United Latvian Evangelical Lut | 216-228-0396 | 1385 Andrews Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
West Shore Assembly of God | 216-221-8101 | 16300 Delaware Ave | Lakewood | OH | 44107 |
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