Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Lewis Center, OH 43035
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Lewis Center OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 740-549-3055 | 46 Hornbeam Ln | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Caribbean Jerks | 614-844-6501 | 1262 E Powell Dr | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Charley's Steakery Northpoint | 740-657-8477 | 8641 Columbus Pike | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Dairy Queen Green Meadows | 614-785-0259 | 9151 Columbus Pike | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Panera Bread | 740-657-8400 | 8823 Owenfield Dr | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Prestige Dining Club | 614-985-6700 | 670 Enterprise Dr Ste C | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Schlotzksy's Deli | 740-549-0690 | 76 Powell Rd | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Senor Antonios Mexicano Restaurante & C | 740-548-6996 | 8617 Columbus Pike | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Skyline Chili | 740-549-0298 | 9135 Owenfield Dr | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Starbucks | 740-549-0601 | 21 Neverland Dr | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Tim Horton's | 740-549-0503 | 9037 Owenfield Dr | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
Wholly Joe's | 614-430-9441 | 1182 E Powell Dr | Lewis Center | OH | 43035 |
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