Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Columbus, OH 43215
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
3D Group Inc | 614-464-3600 | 266 N 4th St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Acock Associates Architects Inc | 614-228-1586 | 383 N Front St Bsmt | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Alfred Edwin Berthold Architect | 614-463-1882 | 330 W Spring St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Architectural Alliance | 614-469-7500 | 165 N 5th St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Architecture Ohio | 614-488-4009 | 1335 Dublin Rd | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Asebrook & Company | 614-224-2300 | 454 E Main St Ste 236 | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Berardi Geo D Archtct | 614-221-1110 | 369 E Livingston Ave | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Braun & Steidl Architects Inc | 614-224-9555 | 234 N 5th St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Brian Kent Jones Architecture | 614-358-3729 | 150 E Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Cline Daniel & Assocs | 614-299-9400 | 871 Park St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Colonial American Development | 614-224-2083 | 400 S 5th St Ste 400 | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Denny Mark Architect | 614-221-8801 | 509 E Mound St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Design Collective Architecture in | 614-464-2880 | 151 E Nationwide Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Design Group | 614-255-0515 | 515 E Main St Fl 4 | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Glavan Feher Architects Inc | 614-228-3400 | 2 Miranova Pl Ste 700 | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Goodman F A Architects | 614-461-1300 | 16 E Poplar Ave | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Haytas John M Archt | 614-224-7474 | 118 E Long St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Heinlein Schrock Stearns | 614-221-5407 | 375 N Front St Ste 350 | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Hntb Corp | 614-228-1007 | 300 W Spring St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Hugus William Architects | 614-221-2724 | 468 City Park Ave | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Karlsberger Companies | 614-461-9500 | 99 E Main St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Legat & Kingscott | 614-228-7758 | 88 E Broad St Ste 1200 | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Lincoln Street Studio | 614-461-1144 | 45 E Lincoln St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Loversidge Robert D Archtct | 614-628-0300 | 300 Marconi Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Lupton Rausch Architects | 614-224-9050 | 444 S Front St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Meyers Welsh Architecture & | 614-221-9433 | 15 E Gay St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Milhoan Architects Llc | 614-222-0001 | 300 E Long St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Miller Watson Architects | 614-224-9743 | 161 N 4th St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Neighborhood Design Center | 614-221-5001 | 415 E Main St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
O A Spencer Inc | 614-461-1033 | 343 E Livingston Ave | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Phillip Markwood Architech Inc | 614-461-8300 | 240 N 5th St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Rogers Krajnak Architects | 614-461-0243 | 264 S 3rd St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Urban Order | 614-299-9028 | 797 Summit St | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Urs Corporation | 614-464-4500 | 277 W Nationwide Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
Wd Partners | 614-221-0840 | 1201 Dublin Rd | Columbus | OH | 43215 |
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