Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Columbus, OH 43219
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
858 Automotive Care Center | 614-252-4717 | 858 Taylor Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
A A 1 AAA Accident Repair | 614-475-4755 | 3102 Agler Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Auto Specialists | 614-235-8912 | 3502 E 7th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Automotive & Truck Services | 614-258-4200 | 2892 E 14th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Automotive Specialty Warehouse | 614-258-4648 | 1033 Brentnell Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Berkey's Towing Equipment Sales | 614-231-1818 | 508 N James Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Best Motor Werks | 614-236-5151 | 674 N James Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Bob's Auto Repair | 614-253-1020 | 2613 Johnstown Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Cassady Auto Repair | 614-252-4400 | 730 N Cassady Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Doug's Auto Service | 614-236-2779 | 3710 E 5th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Duty's Towing & Auto Service | 614-252-3336 | 4021 E 5th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Herb Stiffler Body & Fender Inc | 614-231-9935 | 3740 E 5th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
His & Her Auto Sales | 614-453-0758 | 1888 E 17th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Maka Auto Service | 614-476-1700 | 2164 Mock Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Metro Transmissions Inc | 614-476-6647 | 3699 Agler Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Model Car Care | 614-231-4466 | 414 Stelzer Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Rader Collision Center | 614-337-2461 | 3130 Switzer Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Reds Automotive Service | 614-418-9888 | 3020 Switzer Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Styles & Profyles Auto Body Inc | 614-252-0020 | 828 Joyce Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Sunberry Auto Sales & Service | 614-253-6200 | 886 Sunbury Rd | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
Willis Automotive | 614-884-2322 | 2844 E 5th Ave | Columbus | OH | 43219 |
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