Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Columbus, OH 43206
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christine's Hair & Tanning Salon | 614-443-6247 | 186 E Whittier St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Connie's Beauty & Tanning Salon | 614-443-8426 | 1328 S 4th St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Head of the Park Hair Designer | 614-443-9930 | 53 Stewart Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Inner Beauty Design Studio | 614-444-9917 | 746 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Inspiration Metro Salon The | 614-445-9777 | 726 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Jack's Hair Design Center | 614-444-7670 | 354 E Whittier St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Jehovah Shammah Styling Salon | 614-443-0101 | 1154 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
June's Beauty Salon | 614-443-0752 | 220 Thurman Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Mary Jo's Beauty Salon | 614-444-9500 | 929 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Rapunzel's Long Hair Salon | 614-445-7650 | 779 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Rock'n Robin's Hair Nest | 614-443-5933 | 413 E Whittier St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Sanctuary Day Spa | 614-445-8202 | 962 S Front St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Studio Fovero | 614-445-8866 | 102 E Whittier St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Teez | 614-449-8809 | 764 Mohawk St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Valerie Wilson Stylist | 614-449-8879 | 787 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Vinyl Hair Studio | 614-445-9479 | 757 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
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