Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, OH 43221
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Capital City Church Assembly of God | 614-442-1800 | 1580 Fishinger Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
Christian Science First Church Upper Ar | 614-486-4097 | 3040 Asbury Dr | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 614-451-6677 | 2070 Ridgecliff Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
First Community Church | 614-488-0681 | 3777 Dublin Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
Fishinger & Kenny Church of Chris | 614-451-4886 | 1130 Fishinger Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
Korean Mission of Lane Ave Baptist Chu | 614-487-9151 | 1610 W Lane Ave | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
Lifepoint Church | 614-771-7742 | 3915 Dublin Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
Riverside United Methodist Churc | 614-486-5201 | 2701 Zollinger Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
St Mark's Episcopal Church | 614-486-9452 | 2151 Dorset Rd | Columbus | OH | 43221 |
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