Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, OH 43223
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brown Road Community Church | 614-274-6115 | 1553 Brown Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Brown Road Community Church | 614-274-6106 | 1595 Brown Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Central Av Church of Christ in Chris | 614-274-6112 | 192 S Central Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Central Baptist Church | 614-279-3115 | 1955 Frank Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Food Pantry | 614-279-8086 | 99 S Highland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 614-279-0008 | 1775 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Greater Columbus Freewill Bapt C | 614-279-1015 | 2546 Briggs Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Hilltonia United Methodist Churc | 614-274-8683 | 514 Columbian Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Inner City Ministries Inc | 614-469-7920 | 842 Sullivant Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Mt Ararat Freedom Gospel | 614-228-7442 | 817 Renick St | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Mt Pisgah Baptist Church | 614-278-7747 | 1995 Sullivant Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
New Horizons United Methodist Churc | 614-279-6643 | 1665 Harrisburg Pike | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
New Life Christian Fellowship | 614-351-0333 | 1005 Hart Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Oak Grove Apostolic Church | 614-279-3114 | 1187 Brown Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Second Community Church | 614-279-8853 | 311 S Highland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Southwest Freewill Baptist Church | 614-276-3861 | 1542 Greenleaf Rd | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
Whitethorne Church of Christ in Chris | 614-272-0373 | 868 Whitethorne Ave | Columbus | OH | 43223 |
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