Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, OH 43229
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ascension Lutheran Church | 614-262-7389 | 1479 Morse Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Central Southeast Assocs | 614-885-0722 | 6161 Busch Blvd Ste 95 | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Christian Missionary Alliance | 614-847-7301 | 5543 Sinclair Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Church of the Good Shepherd United | 614-891-5043 | 6176 Sharon Woods Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Gospel Faith Ministries Inc | 614-844-6236 | 4813 Kingshill Dr | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Haimerl Center & Serenity Park | 614-267-0121 | 1421 Morse Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Hesed Christian Fellowship | 614-431-5453 | 5532 Sinclair Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Karl Rd Baptist Church | 614-885-3929 | 5750 Karl Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Karl Road Christian Church | 614-888-3444 | 5400 Karl Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Presbytery of Scioto Valley | 614-847-0565 | 6172 Busch Blvd Ste 2048 | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Salem Baptist Church | 614-885-7252 | 5862 Sinclair Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Sharon Woods Baptist Church | 614-794-3240 | 5959 Sharon Woods Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Sharon Woods Baptist Church S B C | 614-891-1757 | 1729 Durbridge Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
St Andrew Presbyterian Church | 614-885-7609 | 1450 E Dublin Granville Rd | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
St Anthony Church | 614-885-4857 | 4913 Atwater Dr | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
Xenos Christian Fellowship | 614-823-6500 | 1340 Community Park Dr | Columbus | OH | 43229 |
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