Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, OH 43232
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Appointed Time Ministries | 614-575-8900 | 6062 Channingway Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Asbury United Methodist Church South | 614-837-4601 | 4760 Winchester Pike | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Believers' Ministries | 614-501-8511 | 2244 S Hamilton Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Calvary Chapel | 614-759-0456 | 6075 E Livingston Ave | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Calvin Presbyterian Church | 614-231-5472 | 2900 Winchester Pike | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Church Lords Church Ministries | 614-864-9673 | 4283 Kimberly Pkwy | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Church of the Harvest | 614-863-5673 | 4265 Eastland Square Dr | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Eastland Christian Church | 614-837-2450 | 3371 Noe Bixby Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 614-837-5807 | 4701 Winchester Pike | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Harbor Baptist Mission | 614-837-8558 | 3452 S Hamilton Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Hope Christian Ministries | 614-322-0527 | 2208 S Hamilton Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
New Birth Chrstn Ministry | 614-236-9080 | 3475 Refugee Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
New Fellowship Bapt Church | 614-237-7710 | 3420 Petzinger Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
New Fellowship Christian Churc | 614-577-0878 | 2600 Old Courtright Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Ohio Baptist Temple | 614-837-3819 | 3370 Daglow Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Oromo Lutheran Church | 614-322-1184 | 1763 Bairsford Dr | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Pine Hills Baptist Church | 614-868-5206 | 5164 Ivyhurst Dr | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Power in the Word | 614-759-1754 | 5984 E Livingston Ave | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Southeast Baptist Church | 614-866-1245 | 2866 Noe Bixby Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
United Bible Missionary Church | 614-239-6268 | 3480 Winchester Pike | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
Zion Christian Assembly | 614-237-4850 | 3700 Refugee Rd | Columbus | OH | 43232 |
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