Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, OH 43235
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cbmc | 614-336-7812 | 3520 Snouffer Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Christian Community Church | 614-538-1050 | 5586 Olentangy River Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Christian Fellowship Church | 614-459-5673 | 5970 Godown Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Fellowship Luth Church Elca | 614-889-0113 | 7350 Sawmill Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Grace Presbyterian Church | 614-451-7610 | 5099 Postlewaite Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
High Street Baptist Church | 614-888-5121 | 7399 N High St | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Highlands Presbyterian Church | 614-764-2134 | 6909 Smoky Row Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Korean Church of Columbus | 614-761-2454 | 2825 Snouffer Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Lenworth United Methodist Child | 614-336-9559 | 7070 Bent Tree Blvd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Linworth Road Community Church | 614-442-5722 | 5400 Linworth Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Olentangy Pre-School | 614-451-0603 | 5330 Olentangy River Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Smoky Row Brethren Church | 614-889-5224 | 7260 Smoky Row Rd | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
St John's A M E | 614-888-0894 | 7700 Crosswoods Dr | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
Worthington Christian Church | 614-885-8389 | 8145 N High St | Columbus | OH | 43235 |
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