Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Columbus, OH 43228
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ahmed Imtiaz MD Facc | 614-486-2000 | 5131 Beacon Hill Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Alexis Thomas R MD | 614-274-7799 | 4310 Clime Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Anderson Thomas Do | 614-851-0102 | 5200 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Backes Carl R Do | 614-851-7337 | 4766 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Baker Thomas E Do | 614-878-6182 | 165 N Murray Hill Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Behrends J Wisner | 614-876-8386 | 4660 Roberts Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Big Run Imaging Center | 614-279-4925 | 4300 Clime Rd Ste 120 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Budnik Timothy R Do | 614-878-7231 | 5125 Beacon Hill Rd Ste 101 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Center of Osteopathic Manipulation & | 614-878-8034 | 5131 Beacon Hill Rd Ste 220 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Central Ohio Surgical Specialists Inc | 614-870-1701 | 4930 W Broad St Ste 1 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Child Care Consultants Inc | 614-878-6415 | 111 Inah Ave | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Children's Close To Home Physician | 614-355-9700 | 441 Industrial Mile Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Cocumelli John A | 614-878-0036 | 4765 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Columbus Health Professionals | 614-878-9444 | 50 Old Village Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Colwell Dean L Do | 614-851-5430 | 5131 Beacon Hill Rd Ste 200 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Costin Richard Dd Llc | 614-853-1626 | 4930 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Doctors Hospital | 614-297-4000 | 5100 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Doctors West Expansion | 614-851-3285 | 5109 W Broad St Ste 101 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Downey C Michael MD | 614-878-0470 | 4488 W Broad St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Evans Mark Hard Wes & Hanna Maged Mds | 614-878-4541 | 100 N Murray Hill Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Excell Ent | 614-275-4300 | 4300 Clime Rd Ste 100 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Family Practice West Inc | 614-878-0600 | 5212 W Broad St Ste B | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Feldman Elliott P Do | 614-276-7271 | 455 Industrial Mile Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Gutheil Paul Do | 614-878-7285 | 5212 W Broad St Ste H | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Harris Paul E Do | 614-878-6455 | 15 Norton Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Lincolnview Family Physicians Inc | 614-878-1100 | 106 N Murray Hill Rd | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Papp Gerald M Do | 614-851-0888 | 5131 Beacon Hill Rd Ste 160 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Pediatric Center at Big Run | 614-276-2400 | 4310 Clime Rd Ste C | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Pema Robert S Do | 614-853-1950 | 5131 Beacon Hill Rd Ste 300 | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
Riverside Methodist Hospital | 614-544-1950 | 5050 Palmetto St | Columbus | OH | 43228 |
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