Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Columbus, OH 43231
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
America's Urgent Care of Westerville | 614-566-0590 | 6200 Cleveland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
American Health Network of Ohio | 614-794-4500 | 2500 Corporate Exchange D | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Awale Omar MD | 614-890-4321 | 5257 Cleveland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Basaran Bronstein Rupp & Friedman | 614-891-0550 | 5877 Cleveland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Blakely Keith A MD | 614-898-0150 | 6200 Cleveland Ave Ste 101 | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Child Care Consultants Inc | 614-523-1666 | 6075 Cleveland Ave Ste 100 | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Children's Anesthesia Associates Inc | 614-252-4880 | 3592 Corporate Dr | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Family Physician Associates | 614-890-4422 | 5925 Cleveland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Minerva Family Practice | 614-901-9374 | 5253 Cleveland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Pearlman Lee D Podiatrst | 614-891-9994 | 5920 Cleveland Ave | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Visiting Physicians Association | 614-523-2155 | 2511 Oakstone Dr | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
Zipf William B MD | 614-839-3040 | 6353 Presidential Gtwy | Columbus | OH | 43231 |
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