Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Columbus, OH 43206
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Columbus OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
B C Rooster's | 614-444-8848 | 897 City Park Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Barcelona | 614-443-3699 | 263 E Whittier St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Easy Street Cafe | 614-444-3279 | 197 Thurman Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
German Village Coffee Shop | 614-443-8900 | 193 Thurman Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
H Johnson's Restaurant & Dairy Bar | 614-443-3980 | 1119 Lockbourne Rd | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Juergen's Traditional Bavarian Bakery | 614-224-6858 | 525 S 4th St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Lindey's Restaurant & Bar | 614-228-4343 | 169 E Beck St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 614-443-3034 | 1102 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Max & Erma's Restaurants | 614-444-0917 | 739 S 3rd St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 614-443-8512 | 1006 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Mohawk | 614-444-7204 | 821 Mohawk St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Plank's Bier Garten | 614-443-4570 | 888 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Plank's Cafe & Pizzeria Delivery | 614-443-6251 | 743 Parsons Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Rooster's Inc | 614-449-1010 | 899 City Park Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Subway | 614-884-7830 | 1059 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Taco Bell | 614-443-0023 | 808 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Taverna Opa | 614-444-0131 | 961 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Tee Jaye's Country Place Restauran | 614-443-9773 | 1363 Parsons Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Tee Jaye's Country Place Restauran | 614-444-6291 | 1385 Parsons Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Thurman Cafe Inc | 614-443-1570 | 183 Thurman Ave | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Village Coney | 614-445-9633 | 418 E Whittier St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 614-444-5122 | 799 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
White Castle System Inc | 614-444-8661 | 1111 S High St | Columbus | OH | 43206 |
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