Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Xenia, OH 45385
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Xenia OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acadamy Xenia Christian | 937-372-7957 | 1679 W 2nd St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Arrowbrook Baptist Church | 937-372-5361 | 1124 Upper Bellbrook Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Bethel Temple Church | 937-372-6556 | 914 E 3rd St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Blevins Gary Photography | 937-372-1888 | 497 Marshall Dr | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 937-372-3841 | 1601 W 2nd St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Church A House of Prayer | 937-372-1600 | 356 Home Ave | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Church of the Messiah | 937-374-0147 | 1180 Upper Bellbrook Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Cornerstone Bible Church | 937-372-4434 | 45 W Church St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
David May Ministeries Inc | 937-372-6699 | 457 Dayton Ave | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Dayton Ave Baptist Church | 937-376-8223 | 1121 Dayton Ave | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Economy Photo | 937-372-3656 | 1532 N Detroit St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 937-372-5887 | 1120 S Detroit St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Evangelical United Methodist Churc | 937-372-4373 | 195 W 3rd St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Faith Community Pre-Schl | 937-372-8757 | 100 Country Club Dr | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Fellowship Tabernacle | 937-376-3217 | 1780 State Route 380 | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
First Baptist Church of Xenia | 937-372-1252 | 552 Country Club Dr | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
First Church of Christ | 937-372-7687 | 441 Ledbetter Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 937-372-5367 | 152 Fairground Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
First Evangelical Lutheran Church | 937-372-7421 | 287 W Main St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Freedom Bapt Temple | 937-372-1069 | 1067 US Route 68 S | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Grace Community Church | 937-372-8740 | 481 S Monroe St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Gracepoint Church | 937-372-9997 | 2185 State Route 235 | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Holy Trinity A M E Church | 937-372-7737 | 1230 Clifton Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
House of Deliverence Church | 937-374-0342 | 79 Jackson St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Legacy Ministries Int'l | 937-374-0982 | 1183 Tyndale Ln | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Memorial Presbyterian Church | 937-376-9461 | 343 W Ankeney Mill Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Middle Run Bapt Church | 937-372-4940 | 1000 E Church St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Northside Christian Church | 937-372-9611 | 733 Country Club Dr | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Oldtown United Methodist Churc | 937-372-5274 | 1639 US Route 68 N | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Philadelphia Baptist Church | 937-372-1611 | 44 Kinsey Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Salvation Army Xenia Service | 937-372-9810 | 18 E 2nd St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
The Flower Stop | 937-372-1436 | 57 W Main St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Third Bapt Church | 937-372-5983 | 464 E Main St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Union United Methodist Church | 937-372-2994 | 393 Washington Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
United A M E Church | 937-372-3366 | 286 E Church St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Xenia Christ Temple Church | 937-376-2471 | 1000 Jasper Rd | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Xenia Church of Christ | 937-372-8919 | 444 Country Club Dr | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Xenia First Church of God | 937-376-4297 | 383 S Columbus St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
Zion Bapt Church | 937-372-6406 | 565 E Main St | Xenia | OH | 45385 |
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