Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cincinnati, OH 45202
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cincinnati OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Archdiocese of Cinti | 513-421-3131 | 100 E 8th St Fl 8 | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Catholic Campus Ministry Assn | 513-842-0167 | 1118 Pendleton St Ste 300 | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 513-281-3646 | Clifton & Probasco | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Church of Scientology & Hubbard Dianeti | 513-421-2927 | 215 W 4th St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
City Gospel Mission | 513-241-5525 | 1419 Elm St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
First Born Church | 513-421-9057 | 47 Mulberry St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
First Luth Church Elca | 513-421-0065 | 1208 Race St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
First New High Pt Bapt Church | 513-381-3045 | 1805 Highland Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Focas Ministries | 513-621-5300 | 64 E McMicken Ave Frnt | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Greater Fellowship Bapt Church | 513-721-4710 | 505 Liberty Hl | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Greater Golden Gate Bapt Church | 513-241-3420 | 1414 Sycamore St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Historic Covenant First Presbyterian Ch | 513-621-4144 | 8th & Elm | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Metropolitan Baptisi Church | 513-721-5070 | 1430 Central Pkwy | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Nast-Trinty Umc | 513-721-7339 | 1310 Race St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
New Prospect Bapt Church | 513-721-2355 | 1829 Elm St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
New Unity Church of God | 513-651-5030 | 1508 Elm St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Philippus United Church of Christ | 513-241-5244 | 106 W McMicken Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Prince of Peace Luth Church | 513-621-7265 | 1522 Race St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Salem United Church of Christ | 513-241-1796 | 1425 Sycamore St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Sarah Cntr | 513-651-1532 | 1600 Vine St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
St Mary Bapt Church | 513-241-4780 | 416 E 13th St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Universal Church of Christ | 513-381-8380 | 1413 Sycamore St | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Uptown Church | 513-421-2148 | 18 E McMicken Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
Wesley Chapel | 513-721-6204 | 80 E McMicken Ave Frnt | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
West Cinti Presby Church | 513-621-0041 | Poplar & Baymlr | Cincinnati | OH | 45202 |
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