Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cincinnati, OH 45216
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cincinnati OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Bible Hour | 513-821-7289 | 128 Parkway Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Carthage Bapt Church | 513-821-8652 | 1191 W Seymour Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Elmwood Carthage Presbyterian Ch | 513-242-5660 | 6317 Highland Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Faith Unltd Outreach & Developmt Minis | 513-761-1971 | 8301 Anthony Wayne Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Fellowship Tabernacle | 513-761-2967 | 6910 Vine St | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
First Bapt Church of Hartwell | 513-821-2296 | 8405 Dixie Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Hartwell Presby Church | 513-761-2136 | Parkway & Woodbine A | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Highland Av Baptist Church | 513-242-5111 | 6110 Highland Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Immanuel United Church of Christ | 513-641-1418 | Tower & Jefrsn Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Korean Presby Church | 513-821-7949 | 210 Parkway Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Lord's Ministry Outreach Church | 513-641-2650 | 6101 Vine St | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
New Jerusalem Bapt Church | 513-821-0704 | 26 W North Bend Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 513-821-6443 | 8402 Burns Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Unity Christian Church | 513-821-8762 | 8359 Burns Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
Wings Christian Fellowship | 513-242-7621 | 318 Maple St | Cincinnati | OH | 45216 |
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