Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cincinnati, OH 45229
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cincinnati OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Christian Church Inc | 513-961-9929 | 946 Dana Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Bethlehem Bapt Church Inc | 513-221-5049 | 760 N Fred Shuttlesworth C | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Beyond Veil Christian Fellowship | 513-641-0123 | 4586 Paddock Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Carmel Presbyterian Church | 513-281-8388 | 3549 Reading Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Christian Science Church of Chris | 513-281-3646 | Probasco & Clifton | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Church of the Living God Cwff | 513-221-1685 | 430 Forest Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ | 513-281-7603 | 3136 Reading Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Community Friends Meetg | 513-861-4353 | 3960 Winding Way | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Corinthian Bapt Church | 513-221-7351 | 772 Whittier St | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Evergreen Missnry Bapt Church | 513-751-0605 | 702 Gholson Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Faber Jesuit Comunty | 513-961-7700 | 790 Clinton Springs Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Greater New Hope Missionary Bapt | 513-281-3251 | 3655 Harvey Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
House of God of the Apostolic Faith | 513-861-9148 | 3863 Reading Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Immanuel Luth Church | 513-961-3407 | Rockdale & Washngtn | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Lighthouse Temple of Jesus | 513-861-8988 | 3647 Washington Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Methodist Union The | 513-421-2057 | 4400 Reading Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
New Friendship Bapt Church | 513-221-4006 | 3212 Reading Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
New Gospel Missnry Bapt Church | 513-861-2970 | 346 Hearne Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
New St John Bapt Church | 513-281-2224 | 818 S Fred Shuttlesworth C | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Peace Bapt Church | 513-281-2389 | 652 Rockdale Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Phillips Memrl C M E Church | 513-281-2059 | 521 Forest Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Progressive Bapt Church | 513-861-1123 | 613 Prospect Pl | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Rockdale Bapt Church | 513-861-1982 | 539 Forest Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Rose Chapel Missnry Bapt Church | 513-281-7364 | 761 S Fred Shuttlesworth C | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Second Comunty Bapt Church | 513-861-0799 | 3662 Reading Rd | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Second Corinthian Bapt Church | 513-281-1853 | 934 Marion Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Shiloh Seventh Day Adventist Churc | 513-221-3882 | 3650 Washington Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Spirit of Christ | 513-961-9500 | 3108 Savoy Pl | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
St Jas Ame Zion Church | 513-281-0849 | 3485 Wilson Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
St John A M E Zion Church | 513-961-1737 | 425 Forest Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
Zion Baptist Church | 513-281-9425 | 630 Glenwood Ave | Cincinnati | OH | 45229 |
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