Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Newark, OH 43055
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Newark OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Legion | 740-345-2346 | 85 S 6th St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
American Trakehner Association | 740-344-1111 | 1514 W Church St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Bia of Licking County | 740-345-2898 | 12 W Main St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Chambers of Commerce | 740-345-9757 | 50 W Locust St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Compeer of Licking County | 740-345-5658 | 112 S 3rd St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Druids Club | 740-345-2914 | 19 W Harrison St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Elk's Lodge | 740-345-7315 | 73 N 3rd St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Hanover American Legion | 740-763-2454 | 1989 W High St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Knights of Columbus | 740-349-9349 | 80 North Ave | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Licking County Bar Association | 740-345-8628 | 65 E Main St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Licking County of | 740-349-6550 | 22 N 2nd St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Licking Valley Youth Sports Associat | 740-763-2336 | 2560 W High St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Masonic Temple Newark | 740-345-5275 | Masonic Temple | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Moose Lodge | 740-323-0845 | 235 W National Dr | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Newark Women's Bowling Association | 740-366-4303 | 4384 Martinsburg Rd | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Teheran Grotto Hall | 740-366-2691 | 124 Waterworks Rd | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Veterans Administration | 740-788-8328 | 1912 Tamarack Rd | Newark | OH | 43055 |
Vfw Club Rooms | 740-345-0863 | 469 Forry St | Newark | OH | 43055 |
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