Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oregon, OH 43616
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oregon OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cake Decorating Nook | 419-693-5771 | 842 S Wheeling St | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 419-691-9701 | 5757 Starr Ave | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Church of Christ the Echo Meadows | 419-693-9928 | 2905 Starr Ave | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 419-693-9696 | 3161 Navarre Ave | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Faith United Methodist C | 419-691-5137 | 3415 Starr Ave | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
First Bapt Church of Oregon | 419-693-4827 | 5157 Seaman St | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
First St John's Lutheran Church | 419-693-7128 | 1121 Grasser St | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Harborview Missionary Bapt Church | 419-691-5984 | 2069 Autokee St | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Neighborhood Free Will Bapt | 419-698-2564 | 3409 Seaman St | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
New Harvest Christian Church | 419-693-6543 | 3540 Seaman St | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Our Lady of Toledo Shrine | 419-697-7742 | 655 S Coy Rd | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Prince of Peace Christian Pre S | 419-691-9407 | 4155 Pickle Rd | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Sisters of Mercy | 419-691-3839 | 2647 Eastmoreland Dr | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
Sisters of St Francis | 419-693-6432 | 1116 S Coy Rd | Oregon | OH | 43616 |
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