Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Toledo, OH 43611
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Toledo OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Christian Church | 419-727-3568 | 4833 Suder Ave | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Berean Fellowship of the Church at T | 419-729-0733 | 4212 Onondaga Ave | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Charity Baptist Church | 419-726-4975 | 1850 N Superior St | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Lcms | 419-726-3991 | 710 Buckeye St | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 419-726-2186 | 315 Galena St | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Messiah Lutheran Church Elca | 419-726-0049 | 4703 N Summit St | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
New Hope Lutheran Church W E L S | 419-729-3048 | 2040 E Harbor Dr | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Point Place United Church of Chris | 419-726-7390 | 4920 297th St | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
Riverpoint Ministries United Medst Ch | 419-726-1888 | 2862 131st St | Toledo | OH | 43611 |
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