Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Toledo, OH 43612
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Toledo OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Augsburg Lutheran Church | 419-478-2374 | 1342 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 419-478-4968 | 4340 Berwick Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 419-472-9232 | 3939 Jackman Rd | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Central Christian Church | 419-476-5076 | 1660 Amesbury Rd | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Church of the New Covenant | 419-476-8535 | 3864 Jackman Rd | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Collingwood United Methodist Churc | 419-476-8034 | 701 Phillips Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Holy Cross Luth Church | 419-476-6256 | 700 Eleanor Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Hopewell Wesleyan Christian Churc | 419-476-3687 | 1550 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
New Life Ministries | 419-478-0497 | 4218 Parrakeet Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Newlife Community Church | 419-478-0913 | 3529 Burton Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Northwestern Missionary Bapt Church | 419-478-2303 | 4408 Lewis Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Pilgrim Church of the United Church O | 419-478-6012 | 1375 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
Sisters of St Francis | 419-476-2354 | 1614 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
St Paul's Episcopal Church of Orego | 419-476-5753 | 670 Phillips Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
True Church of God of the Apostolic F | 419-476-3639 | 1224 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | OH | 43612 |
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