Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Toledo, OH 43615
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Toledo OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Federation of Musicians | 419-531-9933 | 1700 N Reynolds Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Christian Science Churches | 419-536-2184 | 4647 W Central Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 419-381-1310 | 1227 Brookview Dr | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Elks Lodge Toledo 53 Lounge | 419-841-6654 | 3520 N Holland Sylvania Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Epiphany Luth Church | 419-536-5986 | 915 N Reynolds Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 419-531-4236 | 3077 Valley View Dr | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Faith Bible Baptist Church | 419-865-6453 | 232 N McCord Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 419-531-3242 | 5301 Nebraska Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Gloria Dei Luth Church | 419-536-2020 | 5845 Elmer Dr | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Ms | 419-536-3370 | 5859 Elmer Dr | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Myrtle Flowers Inc | 419-536-4621 | 5014 Dorr St | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Open Door Christian Church | 419-866-9463 | 5960 Angola Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Church | 419-865-2545 | 6135 Hill Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Printing Press The | 419-531-6699 | 559 S Reynolds Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Reynolds Corners Bapt Church | 419-865-3000 | 6045 Dorr St | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Rhema Christian Fellowship | 419-534-9840 | 2340 N Holland Sylvania Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Sisters of Mercy | 419-539-9166 | 1727 Harlan Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Sisters of St Francis | 419-868-1574 | 259 Leander Dr | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
United Methodist Church Kingdom Worship | 419-536-5550 | 4747 Hill Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Unity Missionary Baptist Chruch | 419-536-4506 | 5223 Hill Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
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