Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Furniture in Toledo, OH 43615
* Each listing below of Furniture Information for Toledo OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Banner Mattress & Furniture Co | 419-865-6164 | 6004 Hill Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Bedland Furniture Gallery | 419-531-4614 | 2544 N Reynolds Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Custom Interiors of Toledo Inc | 419-865-3090 | 5936 Dorr St | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Dari Furniture Llc | 419-531-6303 | 5039 Dorr St | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
England Custom Furniture Direc | 419-385-2121 | 5201 Airport Hwy | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Hamlins Second Time Around New & US | 419-866-2872 | 6215 Hill Ave | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Hancock Fabrics | 419-385-2442 | 5203 Airport Hwy | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
La Z Boy Furniture Galleries | 419-867-3727 | 5804 Airport Hwy | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Mason's Billiards & Barstools | 419-537-8900 | 2909 N Holland Sylvania Rd | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Pier I Imports | 419-389-0565 | 5225 Airport Hwy | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
Tri-State Equipment | 419-385-6555 | 3722 Airport Hwy | Toledo | OH | 43615 |
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