Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Toledo, OH 43613
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Toledo OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar | 419-475-9453 | 2111 Mellwood Ave | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Burger King Restaurants | 419-472-2808 | 1856 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Captain D's Seafood Restaurant | 419-473-0227 | 2060 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Carmel's Mexican Restaurant | 419-474-1414 | 2947 Tremainsville Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
El Camino Real | 419-472-0700 | 2500 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Generations Family Restaurant | 419-475-5115 | 1917 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Hot Sizzling Work | 419-475-0065 | 2333 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
K F C | 419-473-1473 | 1830 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Kaslly's Kitchen | 419-474-4137 | 2981 Tremainsville Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppes | 419-474-2549 | 1814 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Magic Wok | 419-472-4453 | 2040 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 419-474-4676 | 1727 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Molly's Diner | 419-475-8164 | 2430 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Monroe Street Diner | 419-472-0888 | 4514 Monroe St | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Nettys | 419-474-4374 | 2106 W Sylvania Ave | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
O B's Tavern | 419-473-9281 | 2243 Tremainsville Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Pat & Dandy's Sports Pub N Grill | 419-474-1189 | 3240 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Rudy's Hot Dog | 419-471-9159 | 3208 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Sardini's & Sons Eatery | 419-474-9929 | 1955 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Star Diner | 419-472-5103 | 3067 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Subway | 419-471-0554 | 1722 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Taco Bell | 419-474-6125 | 2234 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Taco Bell | 419-475-2387 | 3249 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Tim Hortons | 419-480-1020 | 1801 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 419-475-2898 | 2124 W Alexis Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 419-292-1761 | 1859 W Laskey Rd | Toledo | OH | 43613 |
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