Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Canfield, OH 44406
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Canfield OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calla Evangelical Community Churc | 330-533-6007 | 6482 W Calla Rd | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Canfield Presby Weekday Nursery Schl | 330-533-2879 | 140 W Main St | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Canfield United Methodist Churc | 330-533-9801 | 27 S Broad St | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Emmanuel Community Church | 330-799-6187 | 6512 Kirk Rd | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
First Free Methodist Church | 330-799-6903 | 3999 McCarty Dr | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Greenford Christian Church | 330-533-3278 | 11767 Lisbon Rd | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Lord of Life Lutheran Church Canfield | 330-533-3531 | 550 N Broad St | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Old North Church | 330-533-6848 | 7105 Herbert Rd | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Paradise Lutheran Church | 330-549-5624 | 3689 W Western Reserve Rd | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Paradise United Church of Christ | 330-549-2892 | 10020 New Buffalo Rd | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
St Michael Church Cottage | 330-533-2706 | 350 N Broad St | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
Word of God Fellowship | 330-793-3878 | 3312 Starwick Dr | Canfield | OH | 44406 |
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