Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Youngstown, OH 44505
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Youngstown OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha and Omega First Baptist Church | 330-743-5986 | 3120 Winton Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Baptist Church First Spanish | 330-743-0288 | 2777 Oak Street Ext | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Christian Bible Bapt Church | 330-747-0318 | 2369 Oak Street Ext | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Christian Study Center | 330-747-1888 | 2933 Oak Street Ext | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Church Hill United Methodist Churc | 330-759-0118 | 189 Churchill Hubbard Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Coitsville Presbyterian Church | 330-746-2813 | 91 Coitsville Hubbard R | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Commandment Keepers | 330-747-9288 | 1331 Brighton St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
El Shaddai Dominion Ministries | 330-743-0297 | 1902 Woodcrest Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
First Presby Church of Girard | 330-539-6400 | 890 Churchill Hubbard Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church | 330-747-2402 | 1232 Hill St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Grove Missionary Bapt Church | 330-747-4924 | 1013 Star St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Kimmelbrook Baptist Church | 330-744-1944 | 1325 Victor Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Liberty Presbyterian Church | 330-759-1556 | 1451 Churchill Hubbard Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Living Water Baptist Church | 330-759-7201 | 97 E Montrose St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
McGuffey Road Church of Christ | 330-746-4409 | 1101 Miami St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Mt Vernon Bapt Church | 330-746-7542 | 2944 Wardle Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
New Life Lutheran Church | 330-759-2617 | 1181 Churchill Hubbard Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Northside Bapt Church | 330-759-9260 | 500 Goldie Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Oak Bapt Church | 330-747-1672 | 320 Elk St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Phillips Memorial Bapt Church | 330-743-3792 | 1407 Victor Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Pleasant Valley Church | 330-539-6582 | 2055 Pleasant Valley Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Price Memorial Ame Zion Church | 330-743-1339 | 920 Dryden Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Reed's Chapel A M E Church | 330-743-9849 | 1939 Jacobs Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
S C House of Jacob | 330-747-3782 | 2931 Clingan St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Triedstone Bapt Church | 330-744-7828 | 2045 Jacobs Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Way Ministries The | 330-750-1505 | 184 E Montrose St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
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