Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Youngstown, OH 44514
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Youngstown OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brownlee Woods Presby Church | 330-788-4934 | 1970 Everett Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Christ Church of | 330-757-0827 | 5775 Poland Struthers Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Fairview Immanuel Baptist Church | 330-755-6412 | 4220 Youngstown Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Gospel Bapt Church | 330-757-0736 | 6235 Clingan Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
High Pointe Assembly of God Church | 330-750-1313 | 5716 Struthers Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
John Calvin St Paul United Church O | 330-757-9105 | 1951 Mathews Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Memorial Bapt Church of Poland | 330-757-2711 | 56 Water St | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Poland Presbyterian Church | 330-757-1547 | 2 Poland Mnr | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Poland Village Bapt Church | 330-757-9258 | 79 Hill Dr | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Prince of Peace Evangelical Lut | 330-757-3272 | 2985 Center Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
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