Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Youngstown, OH 44505
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Youngstown OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antone's Italian Cafe | 330-759-1561 | 3551 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Armando's Restrnt Pizzeria Carryo | 330-759-8989 | 3807 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips | 330-759-2245 | 3707 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Blue Light Restrnt & Lounge | 330-759-8484 | 3136 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Bud's Subs & Tacos | 330-740-2837 | 28 Jacobs Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Burger King Restaurant | 330-743-4304 | 685 McCartney Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Cancun Mexican Restaurant | 330-759-3301 | 4055 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
City Limits Restaurant | 330-746-4026 | 3038 McCartney Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Denny's Restaurant | 330-759-0446 | 4020 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Downtown Restaurants | 330-759-0918 | 3219 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Evans Bob Farms Restaurants | 330-759-2931 | 3818 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Golden Dawn Restaurant | 330-746-0393 | 1245 Logan Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Jay's Famous Hot Dogs | 330-746-8300 | 745 McCartney Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Jay's Famous Hotdogs | 330-759-9700 | 3640 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Joe Restaurant | 330-759-8890 | 2921 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 330-759-7312 | 3309 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 330-746-3989 | 1990 McCartney Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Long John Silver's | 330-759-1328 | 3560 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 330-759-2706 | 3630 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 330-747-6474 | 691 McCartney Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Mvr | 330-746-7067 | 410 N Walnut St | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Page's Family Restrnt | 330-759-2789 | 1472 Churchill Hubbard Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Perkins Family Restrnts | 330-759-7483 | 3632 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Subway | 330-759-2737 | 300 Churchill Hubbard Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 330-759-7827 | 3134 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 330-759-4752 | 4001 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
West Fork Roadhouse | 330-759-8666 | 3850 Belmont Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44505 |
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