Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Youngstown, OH 44514
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Youngstown OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bruno's Restaurant & Catering | 330-757-0840 | 1984 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Burger King Restaurant | 330-707-0485 | 3350 Center Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Chick-Fil-A Restaurant | 330-726-7205 | 1051 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Fireplace The | 330-757-4042 | 2075 E Western Reserve Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Friday's | 330-629-2600 | 7165 Tiffany Blvd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Friendly's Restaurant | 330-757-8915 | 3 W McKinley Way | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon | 330-757-7133 | 1738 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Long John Silver's | 330-726-8644 | 1039 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Mario's Restaurant & Carry Out | 330-755-0738 | 5162 Youngstown Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 330-726-8274 | 1110 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 330-965-9393 | 900 E Western Reserve Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Mocha House The | 330-965-0890 | 7141 Tiffany Blvd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Outback Steakhouse | 330-629-2775 | 7000 Tiffany S | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Park Classic Diner Take Out | 330-726-3660 | 1035 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 330-758-0979 | 1410 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Salty Grogs | 330-726-6690 | 1203 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Soffo's Cafe | 330-629-9100 | 8586 South Ave | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Springfield Grille | 330-726-0895 | 7413 Tiffany S | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Struthers Subway | 330-750-1722 | 5052 Youngstown Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 330-726-7702 | 1311 Boardman Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
Taco Bell | 330-755-1966 | 4380 Youngstown Poland Rd | Youngstown | OH | 44514 |
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