Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wadsworth, OH 44281
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wadsworth OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ambassador Baptist Church | 330-336-3221 | 620 Trease Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Apostolic Christian Church | 330-335-6712 | 2360 S Medina Line Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Centra | 330-336-2911 | 1218 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Church of Christ | 330-334-1178 | 236 W Good Ave | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Cornerstone Memorial Baptist Church | 330-665-4479 | 745 S Medina Line Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
First Baptist Church | 330-336-3256 | 198 Mills St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
First Christian Church Discipl of Chri | 330-336-6697 | 116 E Boyer St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Grace & Truth Church | 330-336-2337 | 157 Wadsworth Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Grace Lutheran Church Elca | 330-335-6501 | 146 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Mt Zwingli United Church of Chris | 330-336-5533 | 2172 S Medina Line Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Northside Christian Church | 330-336-4622 | 7615 Ridge Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Reimer Road Bapt Church | 330-336-3917 | 1055 Reimer Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church | 330-336-3049 | 260 Broad St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Sharon Center United Methodist Churc | 330-239-1616 | 6407 Ridge Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
St Mark's Episcopal Church | 330-336-0212 | 146 College St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 330-239-1340 | 6462 Ridge Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Trinity United Church of Christ | 330-334-2536 | 215 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Valleyview Chapel | 330-335-6111 | 1391 State Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Wadsworth Alliance Church | 330-336-3561 | 185 Humbolt Ave | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Wadsworth Church of the Nazarene | 330-336-4258 | 743 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Wadsworth United Methodist Churc | 330-336-6689 | 195 Broad St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Young's Corners Fellowship Bapt | 330-239-1539 | 5026 Ridge Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
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