Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Wadsworth, OH 44281
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Wadsworth OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alexandris Restaurant | 330-336-0203 | 146 Main St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 330-335-6767 | 1020 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurant | 330-336-5521 | 964 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Bob Evans Farm Restaurant | 330-336-8970 | 151 Park Center Dr | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Bradley's of Wadsworth | 330-334-5151 | 469 College St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Burger King 9161 | 330-334-5510 | 994 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Caffessimo | 330-335-0085 | 101 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Casa Del Rio Restaurant | 330-335-4001 | 839 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Country Cafe | 330-336-3233 | 799 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Crites Restaurant | 330-336-9974 | 339 Main St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Dico's at Great Oaks | 330-336-4555 | 210 Great Oaks Trl | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 330-334-0075 | 988 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Longfellow's Tavern Inc | 330-336-0028 | 127 Watrusa Ct | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 330-336-8100 | 920 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
New Style | 330-334-9900 | 136 Akron Rd | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Ponderosa Steak House | 330-335-3231 | 135 Great Oaks Trl | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Rootbeer Drive-In | 330-334-1346 | 766 Broad St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Spunkmeyers Pub | 330-334-5080 | 993 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Subway Sandwiches and Salads | 330-334-0044 | 991 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Taco Bell | 330-336-9242 | 973 High St | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
The Galaxy Banquet Center | 330-334-3663 | 201 Park Center Dr | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 330-336-8264 | 125 Great Oaks Trl | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
Whitehouse Chicken | 330-335-6000 | 199 Great Oaks Trl | Wadsworth | OH | 44281 |
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