Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Troy, OH 45373
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Troy OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arnold's Canteen Inc | 937-335-8077 | 567 E Staunton Rd | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Avalanche Lounge | 937-440-6444 | 1375 W State Route 55 | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Blazin Bills Bar B Q & Party Center | 440-834-1111 | RR 42 | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Fazoli's Restaurant | 937-335-4699 | 1887 W Main St | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 937-339-7060 | 21 S Stanfield Rd | Troy | OH | 45373 |
McDaniel Jeanette | 937-335-2554 | 2585 Kessler Cowlesville | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Ording's Party Time | 937-335-8368 | 810 S Market St | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Submarine House | 937-335-6479 | 107 E Main St | Troy | OH | 45373 |
Trojan Catering Connection | 937-339-0766 | 26 Foss Way | Troy | OH | 45373 |
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