Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Tipp City, OH 45371
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Tipp City OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ | 937-667-6770 | 4075 S Tipp Cowlesville Rd | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Brandt Lutheran Church | 937-845-0450 | 6870 US Route 40 | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Brandt United Methodist Church | 937-845-8025 | 6805 US Route 40 | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Brush Creek Church of God | 937-698-6327 | 6370 Kessler Frederick Rd | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Charity Baptist Church Tipp City | 937-667-9167 | 25 N 4th St | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Christian Family Fellowship | 937-669-3090 | 1575 W State Route 571 | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Church of Christ | 937-667-8513 | 6460 S County Road 25A | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Community Bible Church | 937-667-2710 | 1427 W Main St | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Crossroads Christian Fellowship | 937-667-3916 | 330 S 5th St | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
First Baptist Church | 937-667-6917 | 6533 S Tipp Cowlesville Rd | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Fish of Tipp City | 937-667-1587 | 260 S Garber Dr | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Ginghamsburg United Methodist Churc | 330-667-5970 | 7695 S County Road 25A | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren | 937-667-3476 | 7240 Peters Rd | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Morphew Timothy Sollenberger Re | 937-667-3988 | 7390 S State Route 202 | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Sugar Grove Bible Church | 937-698-4478 | 7875 Kessler Frederick Rd | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Tipp City United Methodist | 937-667-2318 | 8 W Main St | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Upper Room Faith Assembly | 937-667-5585 | 203 N 4th St | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Victory Assembly of God | 937-667-0763 | 4645 S County Road 25A | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 937-667-3110 | 11 N 3rd St | Tipp City | OH | 45371 |
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