Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Germantown, OH 45327
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Germantown OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Tabernacle | 937-855-7334 | 9440 Eby Rd | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Carpenter's House Baptist Church | 937-855-6670 | 436 W Market St | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Christian Fellowship Church | 937-855-6435 | 7880 Middletown Germantow | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Church of the Nazarene | 937-855-4734 | 8140 S Butter St | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Collins J C Rev | 937-855-2417 | 103 E Market St | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Community Harvest Church | 937-855-2236 | 6970 Weaver Rd | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Crestview Church of God | 937-855-3510 | 8350 S Butter St | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Dale Wright Memorial Seventh Day Adv | 937-855-4067 | 7409 Conservancy Rd | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Emmanuel's Lutheran Church | 937-855-2172 | 30 W Warren St | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
First Baptist Church | 937-855-2541 | 79 Farmersville Pike | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
First Church of God | 937-855-6907 | 760 Farmersville Germant | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Germantown Baptist Chapel | 937-855-2265 | 343 Farmersville Pike | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Germantown United Methodist Churc | 937-855-2102 | 140 E Market St | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
Route Four Holiness Pentecostal Chu | 937-855-7532 | 2968 Dayton Germantown Pi | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
St Augustine Church | 937-855-2289 | 6891 Weaver Rd | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
State Road United Methodist Churc | 937-855-3031 | 15020 State Route 725 | Germantown | OH | 45327 |
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