Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Vandalia, OH 45377
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Vandalia OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Christ Vandalia | 937-898-6263 | 626 W National Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Eastern Region Open Bible Churches | 937-898-6848 | 645 Helke Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 937-898-1413 | 1475 Ronald St | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
First Baptist Church of Vandalia | 937-898-3874 | 140 Elva Ct | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Lach Photography | 937-898-7019 | 6767 Garber Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
St Christopher Church | 937-898-3542 | 435 E National Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church | 937-898-5656 | 122 W National Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
The Living Word Church | 937-454-0609 | 926 E National Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Todd Troy G Rev | 937-898-5761 | 724 Helke Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Vandalia Christian Tabernacle | 937-898-4384 | 836 S Brown School Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Vandalia Church of the Nazarene | 937-890-1841 | 620 Stonequarry Rd | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
Vandalia Grace Brethren Church | 937-898-8222 | 810 Larry Ave | Vandalia | OH | 45377 |
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