Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Dayton, OH 45402
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Dayton OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abstinence Resource Centre | 937-223-5250 | 211 S Main St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Adamhs of Montgomery County | 937-443-0416 | 409 E Monument Ave | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Information | 937-222-2211 | 120 W 2nd St Ste 211 | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Alvis House Cope Half Way House | 937-278-8219 | 42 Arnold Pl | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
American Stroke Association | 937-224-3571 | 24 N Jefferson St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Area Agency on Aging Psa2 | 937-341-3000 | 6 S Patterson Blvd | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Auto Donation | 937-222-3661 | 15 S Saint Clair St Ofc | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Cancer American Cancer Society | 937-223-8521 | 40 S Perry St Ste 120 | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Castle The | 937-433-3931 | 133 N Main St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Christ Child Society of Dayton Inc | 937-223-0046 | 301 E 6th St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Community Action Partnership | 937-341-5000 | 719 S Main St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Dakota Center Inc | 937-228-8961 | 33 Barnett St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Dayton Christian Center | 937-275-7174 | 1352 W Riverview Ave | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Dayton Ohio Habitat for Humanity Inc | 937-586-0860 | 1041 S Patterson Blvd | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Dayton Right To Life | 937-461-3625 | 211 S Main St Ste 830 | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Diabetes Association of Dayton Area | 937-220-6611 | Elizabeth Pl W | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Greene County Blood Bank | 937-461-3450 | 349 S Main St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
House of Bread The | 937-226-1520 | 9 Orth Ave | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Junior League of Dayton | 937-222-5541 | 26 Brown St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Kids Voting | 937-222-8683 | 120 W 2nd St Ste 531 | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Main Street Program The | 937-443-0249 | 1105 W 3rd St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Other Place The | 937-461-7544 | 840 S Patterson Blvd | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Planned Parenthood of the Great Mmi V | 937-226-0780 | 224 N Wilkinson St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Salvation Army | 937-228-8210 | 624 S Main St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Salvation Army | 937-222-2530 | 865 S Patterson Blvd | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Salvation Army | 937-461-2769 | 913 S Patterson Blvd | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
Salvation Army | 937-223-1325 | 138 S Wilkinson St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
St Vincent Hotel Inc | 937-461-7837 | 212 W 5th St | Dayton | OH | 45402 |
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