Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kent, OH 44240
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kent OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brimfield Church of Christ | 330-673-5458 | 1875 Tallmadge Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Brimfield Community Church | 330-673-1881 | 4567 State Route 43 | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Church of Christ of Kent | 330-678-5132 | 319 S Depeyster St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Lattedy Snts | 330-678-6921 | 250 River St Ofc | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Faith Luth Church of Kent Lcms | 330-673-6633 | 931 E Main St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Faith United Methodist Church of Brimf | 330-673-7597 | 1235 Tallmadge Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
First Freedom Baptist Church | 330-673-0997 | 2171 Tallmadge Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Gideons International Portage County | 330-673-5363 | 1503 S Water St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Grace Baptist Church | 330-678-9019 | 5915 Rhodes Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Hillel Jewish Student Center | 330-678-0397 | 202 N Lincoln St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Immaculate Conception Church | 330-678-0240 | 1424 Horning Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Lake Brady United Methodist Churc | 330-673-0145 | 1995 Brady Lake Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Presbyterian Church of Kent | 330-673-0661 | 1456 E Summit St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Riverwood Community Chapel | 330-678-7000 | 1407 Fairchild Ave | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Spelman Chapel Ame Church | 330-673-9194 | 910 Walnut St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
St Patrick's Church Hall | 330-678-3344 | 313 N Depeyster St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Trinity Lutheran Church of Kent Elca | 330-673-5445 | 600 S Water St | Kent | OH | 44240 |
United Christian Ministries | 330-673-9534 | 1427 Horning Rd | Kent | OH | 44240 |
Victory Baptist Temple | 330-673-6079 | 4167 State Route 43 | Kent | OH | 44240 |
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