Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Canton, OH 44702
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Canton OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 330-456-8113 | 530 Tuscarawas St W | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Christian Science Church Canton C | 330-452-6342 | 217 3rd St NW | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Church of the Savior United Methodis | 330-455-0153 | 120 Cleveland Ave SW | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Harvest Christian Center Inc | 330-499-5683 | 116 9th St NW | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Martin Luther Luth Church Elca | 330-452-6523 | 701 Walnut Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Open Door Chapel The | 330-456-3213 | 300 Walnut Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Promise Place Recption & Seminar Audit | 330-456-0124 | 231 McKinley Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church | 330-456-2063 | 700 Market Ave S | Canton | OH | 44702 |
St Andrew's Episcopal Church of Barbe | 330-753-9026 | 267 5th St NW | Canton | OH | 44702 |
Trinity Gospel Temple | 330-453-2519 | 1612 W Tuscarawas | Canton | OH | 44702 |
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